canyonKauai is home to the wettest place on earth. With an average ofover 472 inches or 39 feet (12 meters) of precipitation each year, Mt.Waialeale  gets enough rain and constant precipitation to give it such a remarkable title. But not all of Kauai is wet and rainy. Hiking in the Waimea Canyon is arid and in some ways  resembles Arizona and the Grand Canyon. Depending on where you decide to go hiking (Waimea is one of my personal favorites) you will encounter fantastic versatility to the land and plant life. Kauai is the oldest of all the Hawaiian islands and has a reputation for being much greener than some of it’s neighboring islands. This in part, is due to the towering lush mountains that catch more of the clouds containing precipitation. This means that hiking on Kauai’s brilliant mountains is second to none!

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